Board of Directors Retreat

  • Thursday, September 25, 2014
  • 11:00 AM
  • Friday, September 26, 2014
  • 2:30 PM
  • Camp Colley, Happy Jack, AZ
  • 16


Registration is closed

This two day board retreat is a strategic planning session, East Region Board Meeting and installation of new officers. Because space is limited the retreat is for current and incoming board members only. The strategic planning session will be facilitated by Alisa Chatinsky of NPO Success.


Cost is $30 which includes four meals, all activities and supplies that will be provided listed in the 'What to Bring' sheet. Some of the restricted items on this list can be overlooked for responsible adults.

Overnight accommodations will be in two large gender specific cabin size tents with cots. Camp provides all necessary items but I would suggest bringing your own pillow and towel or an additional blanket/sleeping bag as it will be cool at night.


Click here for written directions

-Map from Flagstaff

-Map from Tucson

-Map from Phoenix


To view the two-day retreat agenda click here.

East Regional Board Meeting agenda


Please fill out the following forms prior to arriving at the retreat. They will be collected by camp staff upon arrival.

APRF Waiver Release

APRF Medical Release


125 E Commonwealth Avenue |  Chandler, AZ 85225


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