The Conservation Alliance Speaker Series
The aim of the speaker series is to provide a forum where land managers, scientists, educators, policy makers, planners, community members, and conservation professionals can share expertise, learn, network, and collaborate.
Ed Northam: Invasive Species Management Coordinator, U.S. Forest Service - Tonto National Forest
Central Arizona Noxious Weed Management: Principles and Practices
Thursday, October 9th, 2014 12-1pm
North Mountain Visitor Center
12950 N 7th St, Phoenix, AZ 85029
RSVP to Stacie Beute at
There is a lot of lively conversation around the terms we use to describe unwanted vegetation. In the legal sense, a noxious weed is “any plant that is designated by a Federal, State or county government as injurious to public health, agriculture, recreation, wildlife or property ( We invite you to join us for an important discussion with Ed Northam, invasive plant/noxious weed biologist, teacher, and research scientist. Ed will discuss pest plant biology and methods for controlling unwanted vegetation. Ed has been involved with Central Arizona’s noxious weed issues and challenges over the last 14 years in his work with the Arizona Department of Agriculture, University of Arizona’s Maricopa County Extension Office, and now with the Tonto National Forest. He received a PhD. from University of Idaho’s Plant Sciences Department, Weed Science program in 1995.