Join us in Peoria, Az. on Thursday, October 23rd for our annual Emerging Leaders Workshop. This educational opportunity is designed to bring administrators/mentors in the field together with emerging leaders (full time professionals, part time staff, and students) in an effort to build our next generation of Parks & Recreation Leaders. We will have three dynamic speakers presenting separate topics during the day, as well as a Director's Panel over lunch where we will hear about the path they took to get where they are today.
Developing Your Brand (Hire-ability and Promote-ability)
Rod Buchanan, Town of Gilbert Parks & Recreation Director
Change & Leadership
Patrick Ibarra, Co-Founder/Partner of the Mejorando Group
Director's Panel: "What's Your Story"
Ethics & Leadership
Mike Hutchinson, Facilitator for ASU Bob Ramsey CPM Program
For a complete description of speaker bios and educational outcomes, please click here.
Professional Emerging Leader or Mentor - $30*
Student/Part Time Emerging Leader - $15*
CEU's (.4 available) - $5
*prices reflected are for members; there is a small increase for non-members
Register NOW - we have limited space!
12950 N 7th Street | Phoenix AZ 85022