Administrative Guidelines. The grant workshop will be split into two (2) parts with a one-hour lunch break.
Please Note: Participants may join in either session or both.
Part I. LWCF Grant Cycle
10:00AM -12:00PM
12 PM -1 PM
Part II. Grant Policy Changes
1:00PM -2:00PM
Information and guidance on how to apply for funding for the LWCF program. The LWCF program provides funds to support the acquisition and development of state and local parks and recreational facilities to ensure that citizens have easy access to public, open spaces.
Information about the new Grant Program Administrative Guidelines. The Guidelines, which provide policies and procedures for all grant programs, were updated September 2016. These Guidelines were established to assist project sponsors secure future grants and to ensure successful and timely completion of their grant projects. If you have a current grant or are planning on submitting a future grant to ASP it is extremely important that you participate in this part of the workshop.
Mickey Rogers and Sean Hammond, Grants Program, Arizona State Parks (ASP)
The workshop will be held at the Arizona State Parks Central Office in Phoenix. Participants are welcome to attend in person or by Webinar. All participants must pre-register-see detailed instructions below.
125 E Commonwealth Avenue | Chandler, AZ 85225