What better way to reach out to students, young
professionals and season professionals then to
help sponsor the SPARKS conference. Read below
for more details about the conference.
The inaugural Southwest Parks And Recreation Kick-off Symposium (SPARKS) is a professional development symposium in partnership with the Arizona State University Parks and Recreation Student Association (PRSA), and the Arizona Parks and Recreation Association (APRA). SPARKS is a great opportunity to bring students, young professionals and professionals together and learn through speakers, educational sessions, networking, and socials. This event seeks to “SPARK” interests, ideas, and connections among students and professionals in parks and recreation.
Four tracks will be offered: Community Sports, Therapeutic Recreation, Parks and Recreation, SPARKS (networking, working with Millennials, etc) each track will have two related sessions and a round table. Professionals will be paired with one or two students to interact and network throughout the day.
125 E Commonwealth Avenue | Chandler, AZ 85225