Program Committee Meeting

  • Thursday, May 16, 2019
  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Zoom Video Conference

The Program Committee meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday each month via Zoom video conference. Meetings run approximately one hour.

If you would like to join the meeting please contact the Program Committee Chair, Jennifer Lauria or APRA Executive Director, Samantha Coffman to obtain the log in details.


The Programming Committee’s purpose is to assist in the coordination, development and administration of all association sanctioned activities, events and educational programs provided to the membership. The Chair will recommend and board will approve a sub-committee that will directly assist in the planning, review, development and administration of all the proposed association sanctioned activities, events and educational programs. The sub-committee will be comprised of the regional representation and at least one (1) and no more than three (3) current professional members selected at large by the to represent the association’s professional interest. 


a.        The Program Committee is responsible to the Executive Committee, for development and implementation of development and administration of all association sanctioned activities, events and educational programs provided by membership.

b.       Provide financial oversight and approval of all association sanctioned activities, events and educational programs provided by membership.

c.        Ensure CEU process is followed and approved by the CEU Chair prior to the event.

d.       Approve and notify a member of CEU’s awarded. (CEU Chair)  

e.        Assist membership in the in the coordination, development and administration of all association sanctioned activities, events and educational programs provided.

f.         Establish criteria and review course content of professional training opportunities so members can submit for approval.

g.        Meet at minimum on a quarterly basis to review and approve submitted event applications.

h.       Advocate certifications among membership.

i.         Encourage and develop professional training for the membership. Cooperate with high schools, colleges/universities and other organizations offering professional training and lectures.

j.         Maintain calendar of educational opportunities working with the APRA Office to set up event calendar on website.

k.        Investigate opportunities for supporting other forms of professional certifications for members (Structural Pest Control, International Society of Arborists) and liaison with the sponsoring organizations.

l.         Investigate opportunities for supporting NRPA sponsored training within the state.

m.     Work closely with the Marketing Committee to promote upcoming activities and events.

125 E Commonwealth Avenue |  Chandler, AZ 85225


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