Leadership II - C.A.R.E
Will consist of four individual, three and a half hour trainings each. Courses are designed to be attended in sequential order, but if participants wish to only attend certain courses, the content will still be high-value and educationally effective.
C - Council and Commission Relations - FEBRUARY 11
What it means to be "politically savvy", why it's important, and how leaders can develop this critical skill for success.
A - Army of Advocates - MARCH 10
How to tell your story, leverage momentum, and cultivate support for success. Identifying and effectively engaging the highest-value, most strategic partners.
R - Relationships Matter - APRIL 14
The strategic advantage of putting people first. Motivation vs. influence. Helping your teams understand and employ strategies for building critical internal and external relationships.
E - Extraordinary Dialogue - MAY 12
How to have courageous and crucial conversations at work and in your communities. Tools for communicating with candor and respect while discussing seemingly unsolvable problems and preserving or restoring dignity to the participants in the conversation.
Each class has been approved for .2 CEU's
Registration Deadline February 5, 2020

Courses will take place at the APRA Office the second Tuesday February - May 2020.
Four course pack:
- $225 APRA member + WLG rate
- $295 non-member
- $115 APRA student member
Single Sessions:
- $70 each
- $90 non-member
- $35 APRA student member
About Nicole...
With over 17 years of boots-on-the-ground work in various local governments, government-affiliates, and non-profits in Arizona, including statewide leadership of the Arizona City and County Management Association and Arizona Women Leading Government, I am a tactician and practitioner who has honed leadership skills and developed strategies to effectively train other public servants and those engaged in the work of building and developing communities.