Aquatics Forum - Virtual

  • Tuesday, April 14, 2020
  • 9:30 AM
  • Zoom Video Conference
  • 39


Registration is closed

Our goal is to gather a group of Aquatics professionals to discuss happenings across the State of Arizona.  There is a limit to the total number of people we can host, so please register ASAP to receive the link to log in.

The discussion will be facilitated by:

Stacy Beadle, The Michael Phelps Foundation

Mark Foote, City of Chandler

    We will be joined by:

    • Michele Hlavsa, Epidemiologist and Chief of CDC's Healthy Swimming Program
    • Joe Laco, Environmental Health Officer in CDC's National Center for Environmental Health for the Water, Food and Environmental Health Services Branch
    • Greg Epperson, Managing Supervisor, Water and Waste Management Division Maricopa County Environmental Services Department

    They will give a brief update for us, but we would like to provide them with questions from you guys prior to the meeting.  Please email Stacy your questions by 2:00pm on Monday, April 13th so I can send them over to them.  

    Thank you to those who have updated the document already:!ALhs59ruC9-zE94&  Please try to update weekly and/or if you have major changes.

    We will use the April 21st meeting for brainstorming life after COVID ideas, as several mentioned wanting to discuss that (unless there are other updates that come up before then).  Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see on the agenda.

    125 E Commonwealth Avenue |  Chandler, AZ 85225


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