Facilities Forum V - Virtual

  • Thursday, May 28, 2020
  • 1:30 PM
  • Zoom
  • 58


Registration is closed

Thursday, May 28th

Facilities Forum V

Updates & Debrief of Reopening

join the conversation

review and discuss | ask and learn | share and receive 

Success is in the details

Registration closes Wednesday, May 27th @ 1:30pm

Each Arizona facility is unique. Some require minimal preparation to open, while others require a tiered phase in plan to ensure the health and safety of staff and community members. 

recreation centers | community centers | senior centers | playgrounds | parks splash pads | libraries | dog parks | ramadas | outdoor fitness pods | lakes ponds | sports facilities 

Each forum has a limited number of registrations so please register ASAP. On the morning of April 16th, you will receive the Zoom link and required password via email.  

Forum Moderator

Tina Royer | Recreation Coordinator | City of Mesa

Forum Panelists

Susan Cummings | Recreation Coordinato | City of Glendale

Susan Richardson | Recreation Coordinator II | City of Chandler

125 E Commonwealth Avenue |  Chandler, AZ 85225


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