Identifying the Rereation Leaders' Role In Bullying Prevention | Virtual

  • Wednesday, January 20, 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • 98


  • Qualifies for .1 CEUs
  • Qualifies for .1 CEUs

Registration is closed

Education presented in partnership with the Florida Recreation & Park Association

This session is a hands-on presentation that looks to educate participants on bullying prevention, recognizing bullying, and keeping your programs bully-free from the start. This presentation looks to teach participants to be proactive in developing preventative bullying initiatives when their programs are in the developmental phase. 

Dr. Samose Mays, Recreation Director, Bryan County Parks and Recreation

About Samose Mays: Dr. Samose Mays is the Recreation Director of Bryan County Parks and Recreation in Bryan County Georgia and a professor of Recreation Management at Georgia Southern University. His academic research focuses on Bullying Prevention in the recreational and physical education setting. He was recently named Professor of the Year for 2019 at Georgia Southern University. His research has uncovered that bullying on the recreation levels results in less youth sports participation a year later. He is qualified to present this topic because of his excellence as a recreational administrator and university professor as it relates to bullying prevention and hands on service in both fields.  Dr. Mays currently manages North Bryan County Recreation and South Bryan County Recreation.

This course is eligible for .1 CEUs

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