Environmental Day at the Capitol

  • Tuesday, January 31, 2012
  • 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • League of Cities and Towns, Rm 101, 1820 W. Washington St., Phoenix

Celebrating Arizona's Centennial Through Conservation

Come join the Arizona Heritage Alliance and other conservation organizations in recognizing and celebrating one hundred plus years of conservation efforts in Arizona. Meet with legislators so they can hear first-hand how much Arizonans really do care about clean air, clean water, and having parks and wildlife now and in the future. Remember -- If nothing ever changed, condors wouldn't be flying over Arizona again.

Environmental Day at the Capitol
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
League of Cities and Towns, Rm 101
1820 W. Washington St., Phoenix

For 2012, we have a new format for Environment Day at the Capitol (you can stop by for a short period or stay for the day):
  • 8:30 a.m.-- Meet in Room 101 of the League of Cities and Towns office for briefing on current legislative environmental issues
  • Next -- join a team going to appointments with legislators.
  • Noon (tentatively) -- one or two legislators will talk to us in the gallery of the house or senate.
  • Afternoon -- attend committee hearings and continue meetings.
  • We will provide coffee, juice, and bagels, but if you plan to stay through lunch, please bring along a sack lunch or plan to go to the nearby cafeterias.

Please plan to attend and bring a friend!

To RSVP, contact Sandy Bahr at (602) 253-8633or sandy.bahr@sierraclub.org.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Arizona Heritage Alliance

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