Arizona State Parks Advocacy Day 2012

  • Tuesday, February 21, 2012
  • 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • League of Cities and Towns, Rm 101, 1820 W. Washington St., Phoenix

Arizona State Parks Advocacy Day 2012

Mark your calendar…Arizona State Parks Foundation is hosting Arizona State Parks Advocacy Day 2012 at the State Capitol on Tuesday, February 21, 2012.
ASP Advocacy Day 2012 provides park supporters and volunteers with the opportunity to advocate for state parks by meeting with legislators in the Arizona House and Senate.  Your support and participation in this key event can make a critical difference in preserving funding for state parks throughout Arizona.
ASP Advocacy Day 2012 will have three components: Education, Contact with Legislators, and a Press Event.  The Action Plan for the day is attached.  Please pre-register via email as instructed below.
Participants will meet at the Arizona League of Cities and Towns offices (1820 W. Washington St., Phoenix) where registration, a coffee reception, advocacy training and a morning briefing will be held. Relevant materials will be posted on the ASPF website for your access soon, but the morning briefing will provide all participants with a final overview of the talking points, hand-outs and logistics.
Prior to February 21, ASPF staff will book appointments on your behalf (15-20 minutes per visit) with your legislators.  All participants will attend lobby visits with teams of approximately 4-6 people.  Each team will have a pre-assigned Team Leader who will have received additional training on talking points. Your appointment schedule will be based on your advance email registration, and will be provided to you at the morning briefing.
A significant event of the day will be a press conference, conducted on the Senate Lawn at 12 p.m.  We seek to make it a highly visual event and need your help to accomplish this.  If you're a state park volunteer, please wear your uniform.  If you engage in outdoor activities like birding, boating, biking, fishing, spelunking, or hiking at your favorite state park, please bring equipment that you use in that activity and wear appropriate associated attire.  We also seek participation from a variety of re-enactors/volunteers to join us in period clothing representing events or themes from state parks including: Ft. Verde State Historic Park, Riordan Mansion State Historic Park, Civil War in the Southwest at Picacho Peak, Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, Tombstone Courthouse State Historic Park and others.
Our success will rely on your participation and good planning.  Please PRE-REGISTER by responding to this email with your full name, physical address, phone number, and your voting district number and/or names of your legislators.  Also, please indicate your planned time of arrival on February 21, so that we can schedule a convenient meeting time with your legislators for you and your team members.
If you’re unable to join us for ASP Advocacy Day, you can still participate!  Write a letter expressing why you value Arizona State Parks, address one to Governor Jan Brewer and each of your legislators, mail them to ASPF (by Wednesday, February 15, to Arizona State Parks Foundation at 12950 N. 7th St., Phoenix, AZ 85022).  We’ll deliver them to your representatives and Governor Brewer on your behalf.  Sample letters will be posted on the ASPF website by February 1, 2012.
Should you prefer to send your legislators a message via email, we ask that you take time on February 21, to send your message.  Email addresses and phone numbers are listed on both the 2012 Senate Member Roster and 2012 House Member Roster.
Take action now to support your Arizona State Parks by pre-registering via email for Arizona State Parks Advocacy Day 2012 or call us at 602-920-4505 for more information.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Cristie Statler
Executive Director
Arizona State Parks Foundation

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