National Certification Sponsorship | CPSI September 2023 - Flagstaff

  • Thursday, January 19, 2023
  • Tuesday, July 18, 2023
  • Southeast Regional Library 775 N Greenfield Rd. Gilbert AZ 85234
  • 0



    The Flagstaff Aquaplex
    172 N 4th Street
    Flagstaff AZ 86004

Registration is closed

Course Dates: September 6-8, 2023

Expected Attendance: 36-48 participants


The Flagstaff Aquaplex

1702 N 4th St.

Flagstaff, AZ 86004

25 to 35 certification participants

$1,200 Member | $1,700 Non-Member

36 to 48 certification participants

 $1,500 Member | $2,000 Non-Member

49 to 60 certification participants

 $1,800 Member | $2,300 Non-Member


  • Tabletop display with signage at program location
  • 5-minutes to address attendees and remain through lunch for networking
  • Recognition as event lunch sponsor both days
  • Article or Ad in e-newsletter (30 days pre or post event)
  • Logo on monthly email notifications of program
  • Opportunity to provide branded swag to attendees
  • Logo in social media posts promoting the program
  • Logo with link to company page on registration page


  1. The best day to connect with certification participants is on Day 2 of the course
  2. APRA has seen increased engagement between candidates and sponsors who share catalogs, business cards, and useful branded swag
  3. APRA will request a table for sponsor materials and ensure participants know they are supported by you with multiple acknowledgements
  4. Please provide a table covering for a professional appearance (only requested if you have items to display) 
  5. You also welcome to personally hand out your materials upon the arrival of each participant on Day 2 in lieu of a table display
  6. Unless personally handing out materials/swag, please arrange delivery the afternoon of Day1 to ensure APRA has time to display by 7:30am on Day 2
  7. Some instructors are willing to ask content related review questions and award the right answer with a prize or prizes provided by the sponsor (non-monetary)
  8. Once you have secured the sponsorship, APRA staff will reach out to you to assist with your ROI delivery and arrangements for items listed in the Helpful Tips section

125 E Commonwealth Avenue |  Chandler, AZ 85225


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