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Aquatics Symposium
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Virginia G. Piper Sports and Fitness Center for Persons with Disabilities - 5031 E. Washington; Phoenix, AZ 85034
The City of Tempe and Arizona Parks and Recreation Association will be hosting the event at the Sports and Fitness Center for Persons with Disabilities (nickname Spofit). This is a beautiful NEW facility built this past year. At the request of many of you we have moved the date on the symposium early in the fall so more ideas can be used in the upcoming aquatics season.
The goal of the symposium is the exchange of ideas and to discuss mutual problems and situations with fellow aquatics professionals. You will gain many new ideas and find out what is happening in other aquatic departments and facilities. This meeting is very informal and based on what information you would like to gain about aquatics topics. I will need your help with the program to meet this goal. E-mail me with topics you would like to discuss, so I can put together a basic agenda. If there is a question you have now and it requires others to bring materials, let me know that as well.
Every year we put together a wage and fee study; be sure to bring that information.
Snacks and a light lunch will be provided.
No Fee to Attend! Great Information!! Make Plans To Come!!!
Please RSVP to Pat VanGorp at Kiwanis Recreation Center at 480-350-5714 or e-mail to
Don’t forget topic information!
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