National Executive Development School

  • Sunday, December 09, 2012
  • Wednesday, December 12, 2012
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico
National Executive Development School
Albuquerque, New Mexico

The National Executive Development School (NEDS) offers targeted learning opportunities for staff, managers, and directors in the Parks and Recreation field who are seeking continuing education units (CEUs) for career enrichment. Now in its 22nd year, NEDS is a great opportunity to take part in innovative leadership, management, and professional workshops and training sessions in which you learn solutions to the challenges inherent in today’s Parks and Recreation industry. There are three tracks to choose from, depending on your level of experience and goals. 

Track 1 (Potters)
Track one is an introduction to NEDS designed to give first-year students tools, strategies, and resources to enhance their programs and careers. You’ll interact with fellow professionals in creative, interactive presentations.

Track 2 (Weavers)
Second-year sessions build upon first-year NEDS presentations, with more focus on how to implement solutions in the workplace. Track 2 provides an open forum for discussion and small-group problem-solving.

Executive Track (Artisans)
This year’s executive track theme is “The Changing Face of Public Service: Embracing the Future.” Today’s public service professionals face an increasing number of challenges in their efforts to communicate the value of their field to their communities. Executive Track training will give you timely, usable tools to evaluate and set action for the “new normal” and beyond.

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