Kids at Hope - Train the Trainer

  • Monday, April 01, 2013
  • 8:30 AM
  • Tuesday, April 02, 2013
  • 4:00 PM
  • University of Phoenix, 2550 W. Union Hills Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021
Kids at Hope - Train the Trainer

Module I – Train the Trainer Certification Academy
Beyond all theory, research, evaluations, and practices one significant question remains:

Why do some children succeed and others fail?
As importantly, what can we do about it?

The answer to these questions can transform society for evermore.

Module I – Train the Trainer provides answers to these questions and a plan to ensure every child succeeds, without exception.

Exploring the science of hope, optimism and success and how it can be instilled in all children without exception. Exploring a cultural strategic framework and how an entire campus/organization/community can support the success of every child. Practical application of evidence based protocols in support of a child’s success is also discussed.

This two day certification training event prepares individuals and teams to present Module I to their colleagues and other interested parties. The academy explores the knowledge, principles and technical skills related to Module I. Graduates of the Train the Trainer Certification Academy are faculty members of Kids at Hope University and are granted the rights to issue a certificate in Hopeology to those who complete the Module I course.

When: April 1 & 2, 2013
(lunch on your own)
Where: University of Phoenix, 2550 W. Union Hills Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021
Cost: $195 per person (includes all materials)
Facilitated by: Kenna Hough, Executive Director of Training & Programs

Register Early! Space is limited to the first 30 participants
Partial scholarships available – call 602-674-0026 for more information

125 E Commonwealth Avenue |  Chandler, AZ 85225


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