Boards and Commissions Day

  • Thursday, August 29, 2013
  • 9:00 AM - 4:45 PM
  • Fairmont Scottsdale Princess, 7575 E Princess Dr Scottsdale, AZ 85255


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Presentation and discussion sessions will run from 9:00 AM - 4:45 PM on Thursday, August 29th. Breakfast and lunch are included.

Registration is closed

Boards and Commissions Day

Mark your calendar for Thursday, August 29! This is a dedicated day that will powerfully engage citizen board and commission members and executive directors from all around Arizona on critical issues related to public policy, civic engagement, public service, and the public good.

Agency Executive Directors and their respective Management Team members who principally serve as staff liaisons for our dedicated boards and commissions will also participate in these discussions.

9:25 AM – 10:40 AM
NRPA Issues and Trends
Dr. Robert Ashcraft, NRPA Chair and Executive Director of ASU Lodestar Center
Incoming Chair of the National Recreation and Park Association and Executive Director of ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Innovation is serving in a critical NRPA leadership position. Come and hear the current issues facing our national association and ask questions about its future.

10:50 AM - 12:50 AM
Dr. Jonathan Koppell, Dean of the ASU College of Public Programs
At 10:30 A.M., you are personally invited to hear the Opening General Session speaker – Dr. Jonathan Koppell, Dean of the ASU College of Public Programs – talk on the dynamic and changing relationships of the “public sector.” Dean Koppell brings an exciting and inspiring message for all people engaged in important public service and innovation.

2:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Arizona We Want – Next Steps
Join Patricia Beaty and Courtney Klein Johnson as the Center for the Future of Arizona presents the next important phase of planning Arizona’s future. This critical research project is a nationally featured discussion on Arizona’s future related to the environment, education, health, economy and the trend setting programs, which demonstrates successful trends and directions for our state.

Patricia Beaty
The Arizona We Want, Arizona Community Foundation

Courtney Klein Johnson
Co-Founder of SEED SPOT

3:40 PM - 4:55 PM
Re-transformation of Arizona State Parks
Executive Director Bryan Martyn and Parks Board member R.J. Cardin will provide a current status of the state’s high profile park agency. Learn how the department is recovering and becoming a transformation model for other state park agencies in the country.

R.J. Cardin
Arizona State Parks Board Member
and Director of Maricopa County Parks and Recreation

Bryan Martyn
Arizona State Parks Executive Director

For information, contact:
Dale Larsen, Professor of Practice
Director of Community Relations
ASU College of Public Programs

12950 N 7th Street  |  Phoenix AZ 85022


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