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Young Professional Team Channel

COVID-19 Discussion Forum

  • Monday, March 09, 2020 4:54 PM
    Message # 8815928

    The quickly chaining environment requires action. If you are interested in sharing how your agency is handling events or would like to ask questions of your fellow professionals, here is a place to share and discuss.

    Be sure to log in to your APRA account to comment and click the "Subscribe" box below to keep up with the latest discussion. 

    Last modified: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:11 AM | Anonymous
  • Monday, March 09, 2020 5:44 PM
    Reply # 8815970 on 8815928

    Comments from an earlier email string:

    A lot of large events are pulling out of Tucson. Festival of Books for one. Primarily because authors do not want to fly here. The Town of Oro Valley P&R have not canceled any events however we have a briefing later this week with PD and executive team to discuss.

    The Town of Marana has not cancelled any events yet either. Although we have a special event this weekend and registration is lower than expected. I’m wondering if it is because people are avoiding the larger group environments?

    On Saturday Maricopa hosted our Salsa Festival.  We followed county guidelines and requirements as we normally would.  I’ll let you know how it went in a few weeks.  I’d say stay with it and take your lead from our county and state health departments.  

    Many of us in the valley are in the midst of hosting some of our largest special events in the form of Spring Training and we have yet to cancel any games at any Cactus League Stadium.  In Mesa with two stadiums we have added additional hand sanitizer dispensers in restrooms at concession stands, etc. but with upwards of 15,000+ fans, plus hundreds of staff at Cubs games alone that is the largest change we have made.  We continue to follow the lead of the County Health Department and have posted additional signage in all facilities about hand washing and have increased cleaning of equipment and surfaces that are frequently touched. As such no programs or events have been cancelled and to date, only one group has cancelled with us and that was a competitive swim team from Canada who was directed by Swimming Canada (their governing board) to not travel out of the country.

    The City of Apache Junction also has not cancelled any events as of now.  We are monitoring closely, and relying largely on the CDC website and Pinal County Health Department stats in the area for guidance.  The CDC website has great resources, and we have shared the link for large events with our community partners ( . 

    It was a non-issue a week ago for our large founders day Parade/Rodeo/Carnival Lost Dutchman Days… but that was before there were any known cases in the Pinal County area.

  • Wednesday, March 11, 2020 9:12 AM
    Reply # 8821287 on 8815928

    Here is some information released by the CDC on COVID-19 and treated recreational water venues.

    CDC has received multiple inquiries about COVID-19 and treated recreational water venues (e.g., pools) and has developed the following guidance (dated 03/10/2020):

    Can the COVID-19 virus spread through pools and hot tubs?

    There is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the use of pools and hot tubs. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (e.g., with chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

    This guidance and other water-related guidance can be found at

  • Friday, March 13, 2020 8:32 AM
    Reply # 8825358 on 8815928

    Updates received via email from area agencies:

    Goodyear has cancelled all parks and recreation events and classes through end of April.

    Gilbert Residents,

    It is our responsibility to prioritize the health of Gilbert’s residents and employees. Today, Gilbert made the decision to postpone all town-run special events through April 10th in an attempt to flatten the curve to contain the spread of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus.

    For a full list of impacted events and rescheduled dates, visit Gilbert's special events update page.

    Although Florence was not the organizer of the Arts and Culture Festival, scheduled for April 4th and 5th, we work closely with the local chamber of commerce to present the event.  The Town also was providing a substantial amount of money to the chamber to assist in its presentation.

    We heard from the chamber director that his board of directors agreed with his recommendation to postpone the event to sometime in the fall.  Artists and vendors were beginning to cancel their earlier commitments to participate. 

    Since this was going to be a first-time event, we agreed with the chamber that it was best to postpone the event instead of trying to present it with the potential of very few artists and vendors. 

    “The City of Tempe will cancel public special events and project-specific public input meetings through the end of April in compliance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance about large gatherings and the benefits of social distancing in minimizing community spread of the coronavirus…”

    Last modified: Friday, March 13, 2020 8:45 AM | Anonymous
  • Friday, March 13, 2020 5:39 PM
    Reply # 8826335 on 8815928

    Good evening,

    The following message was just sent to Tempe Parks & Recreation staff. The public message will be sent this evening.

    Good evening team,

    As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve daily, the City’s Senior Management team consistently monitors direction from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and other public health agencies. In light of recent updates, the Tempe Parks & Recreation Division will be cancelling the following City leagues, programs, classes and events effective Monday, March 16 through Sunday, May 3. We will continue to assess the situation and will advise of any new developments as they become available.

    • City sport leagues and instruction for all ages including practices, games and tournaments will be cancelled effective Monday, March 16 through Sunday, May 3.
    • City instructional programs and classes for all ages will be cancelled effective Monday, March 16 through Sunday, May 3.
    • City events for all ages will be cancelled effective Monday, March 16 through Sunday, May 3.

    Tempe’s multigeneration and recreation centers will remain open for public drop in activities and partner programs with the Boys & Girls Club, Head Start and congregate meal programs. All existing community facility reservation requests are cancelled effective Monday, March 16 through Sunday, May 3. Drop in activities include; fitness room, gymnasium, pool, showers, teen room, computer labs, etc.

    All existing community park and field reservations will be honored; however, all new park and field reservation requests are suspended until further notice.

    Refunds or credits should be issued for cancelled leagues, programs, classes and reservations.

    This will have an impact on numerous part time temporary staff who coach or instruct. If there is additional administrative, cleaning, etc. work available, please coordinate with the impacted staff. If staff have additional availability, please send your manager their name and availability. A master list will be created for other temporary opportunities around the City during this time.

    I know the uncertainty is unsettling and very frustrating. Thank you for your continued patience and support as we work through this situation.

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